
not dead

apparently, i'm most productive after locking myself in a closet with a laptop.  the upside of that is that i've at least figured out how to get myself focused - although, getting out of the closet afterward is presenting a bit of a problem.

conversation with the elf is done.  still need to think of a few threads to add for methods of recruiting you to your party (for when that gets put in) and romancing her (which will occur once the game is feature-complete), but there should be some good material in the setup - particularly if you look up david wild32's guide to editing saves on the 'something is rotten' blog post and max your charm and looks.


  1. Wait... Elf?
    Did I miss something?
    I thought the game only allowed you to create your character so far.

  2. Approaching valve time!

  3. Well it was fun while it lasted.
    I think I'll cry myself to sleep now.

  4. Dang the game is dead as well as he is I had hopes for this game D=

  5. Please come back.

  6. title should be 'not dead just in coma'
