
and then,

i spent most of tonight working on populating data for the various creatures that you need to encounter.  a lot of them (human, orc, goblin, etc bandits) are just copy/pastes with slightly different descriptions, which made things go fairly quickly.  i found an outstanding bug with how people with dog cocks report the size of their knot (which hadn't been reported yet) and fixed it, and altered all of the error output messages slightly so they would report which class was calling them (eg, both 'entity' and 'enemy' have a functions named setCurrentHealth, so now it says which one is giving the error)

most of the persistent npcs will have names now.  a short list:
-the kraken at west coast of aven
-the coastdweller/human adventurer at west coast of aven
-the lowland elf at rygal river mouth
-the penitent
-the leonid/trollkin convict
-the forester/lowland elf adventurer at titan's foot
-the human machinist
-the kraken raider
-the giantkin mountaineer
-the goblin adventurer at titan's hand
-the knight
-the demon

other existing, but currently unimplemented / non-enemy npcs are:
-the harpy at westcliff
-a dryad
-the imperial officer from the patrol around doren
-the bounty hunter
-the lepin/faekin with a bodyguard at vegel plains
-the ghost
-eight short and very specifically named imperials

the ones with two races listed have separate variants that show up depending on whether or not you have anthro turned on or off (and some may further not be romance-capable if you have mythic or beast turned on), but are otherwise functionally identical.

if anyone thinks they can name all of the eight imperials, they'll get a shout out in the related event.

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