
working, in its own way

i had some trouble while mentally organizing exactly how the game is going to manage combat.  i think i could do a fair bit more to streamline it, but it would take lots of work.  right now, the way the game loads enemies from memory is extremely messy and uses hardcoded info for things like attack/armor/health instead of drawing it from a file, but unless i want to build an entirely separate program designed to take a bunch of inputs and then write them to a file in such a way that they would be readable by a parser, i'm stuck with this.  just add it onto the long-term goals, i guess.  the fight with the knell patrol is going to be overly simplified for now (i'll go back and revamp it when i add party-based combat).

when all is said and done, i'd like most of the game data to be loaded from text files in one form or another: instead of consulting a bunch of variables typed into the code itself, i'd prefer for the game to open a text file, look for the data there, and then use that.  this would basically allow the user to control everything about the game - the text displayed on startup, the minimums/maximums for character stats, the ability to add new types to existing body parts (frogue 2.0 : now with more than 200 types of cock!), even things like locations, events, and the like.  that said, this is definitely be a long term goal: while it would turn the game into more of an 'engine' that other people could pick up and make their own games with, this would also mean that i would be signing off any semblance of ownership to it.  truth be told, i sort of like this idea.  i have no doubts that there are people out there who can write better than i can, and certainly there are those who can better represent their chosen fetish (or just feel like they have a story to tell), but lack the programming expertise to actually create a game like this.

obviously, this is all in the far, far, far future, once all of the features are added, the world is populated, and the story is told.  but still...  it's nice to have goals.


  1. can u explain what deform is going to be like in game also with eggs (on by them selfs and on together)

    1. deform allows exceptionally well endowed males (or similar; tentacle monsters are a good candidate) to cause things like stomach/throat bulges when having sex. there's an option to turn it off since some people might prefer not to have implications of massive internal injuries while having sex. lesser, more anatomically-correct bulges will still occur with it off (albeit very, very slight ones; just a noticeable outline), but with it on, you'll reach proportions more akin to the stuff that appears on sparrow's hentaifoundry page. it won't be going into territory where some is getting plowed with a member larger than they are, but it will definitely go past what is physically possible.

      eggs covers all sorts of oviposition, things like insects, arachnids, various amphibious life forms, and the like. again, with deform off, this will be limited to the normal limits of the human body: something bight get a few golfball-sized eggs into someone, possibly enough to make them look a little bloated or mildly pregnant. with deform on, this can pass the dozens, causing severely distended stomachs. they might not all stay in, but they can put that many in, at the very least.
