
Codex: Highborn

In-game description: Fat and jolly, any Highborn is capable of reciting their family history for a hundred or more generations, and will gladly inflict this on anyone foolish enough to come even close to asking.  Though somewhat ridiculous in appearance and manner, they are surprisingly strong in spite of their girth and incredibly intelligent.  Their avarice and ambition knows no bounds.  It is speculated that pigs are thought of as greedy by their relation to the Highborn, rather than anything else.

Average male height: 5'7" (~170cm)
Average male weight: 216 lbs (~98 kg)

Notable traits: Highborn are relatively non-diverse genetically, with eyes varying between degrees of red and blue, and both their skin and hair take very light shades.  Their most identifiable trait is their somewhat piglike snouts and their lack of a fifth digit on their hands; while Highborn can interbreed with a number of other humanoid races, these are the generally accepted marks of being a 'thoroughbred' Highborn.  They also possess a more animal-like lower body, with two-toed hoofs similar to Plainsdwellers (and somewhat similar to Imperials, who have solid hoofs).  It's also rumored that Highborn have 'teats' (are lacking in areola), tails, and that their men have notably porcine equipment.  The first and last of these are more than rumors.  As a final note, Highborn have exceptionally good senses of taste and smell, better even than canines.

Physical traits:  Slimes tend to lean towards exaggerated body types, with large and barrel-chested men and curvy, well endowed women.  They all tend to be rather thick in stature, and men frequently have potbellies (no matter how active they are).  Most Highborn die between 50 and 80 years old.

Society: Highborn gravitate towards the top rungs of any society, and for good reason.  They are universally ambitious, hard-headed, arrogant, and worst of all, damned good at it.  That said, because they are so ambitious, they tend to 'colonize' other societies.  They absolutely detest hard, physical labor, which means that even within Highborn-founded societies, large human, goblin, dwarf, plainsdweller, and similar populations will crop up to take care of labor needs.  This generally works out fairly well for both parties; for all their faults, Highborn would be utterly despised were they not so generous.  While Highborn are very conscious or their money, they generally measure their wealth by the happiness around them.  Those few Highborn that don't end up in positions of power and influence end up as aspiring heroes, physicians, missionaries, or cooks.  Highborn love food, from the simplest to the most elaborate, and food is one of the few loves that exceeds their dislike for hard work.

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