
slow progress

things going slow.  ended up working six days this week and adding several dozen extra functions that are handy now, and will be necessary later down the line, mostly dealing with things like describing whatever it is that's coming out of your various orifices.  probably going to need to do more down the line (for things like skin), but for now, it's fine the way it is.

admittedly, picking sword of the stars back up didn't give me any extra time to program.  i need to start working on a laptop with nothing but a compiler installed on it, or something.


something is rotten in the state of denmark

i promised to make a release tonight, but it's simply not ready.  the elf's initial encounters are all finished (all the greets and all of the text for peeping on her), but i didn't have time to finish her primary dialogue.  still haven't tested combat either.

a big thanks to David Wild32 for helping me identify a bug that was causing your will to display improperly (and further kudos for messing around with the save system enough to actually find it).


release coming sunday

although in retrospect, the best stuff can't be accessed without swapping around your character's stats by editing the save files...  which by some reports, don't work.

regardless there will be some kind of release, probably a quick guide on how to futz with the save files to let people (a) cheat and (b) actually see the content.  there's one event in particular that only occurs when you peep on her with a cute guy, and only if you haven't introduced yourself yet.  i think, later on, i might include a bit where you can ask to roleplay with her (once you've established a relationship) so i can reuse the text.

anyway, the peeping scenes are around half done now.  i have the rest 'sketched' out, so i know what's going to happen and just need to put them to words.  with a bit of luck, i'll get them done early or get off work early today (or both), and have some time to bug test the combat system more than once.


Codex: Wine Jellies

Average height: 3 inches (~7 cm)
Average weight: 1 lb (~.5 kg)

Wine jellies are a small, tough, and opaque breed of feral slime endemic to the continent.  They generally have a grayish color to them, sometimes darkening to near black if their diet includes lots of protein, and both their behavior and intelligence are comparable to rats.  They have very weak digestive fluid, and are unable to process meat until it has partly rotted.  They act as scavengers, cleaning up bits of food and biological debris, occasionally causing trouble by knocking things over.  They are placid enough to be kept as pets, although unless their diet is carefully controlled, they can reproduce quickly and become a major pest.

Wine jellies take their name from an old brewing practice, generally accepted to have been invented by a Highborn, of immersing mature jellies in a tub of grape juice mixed with a bit of yeast.  The jellies will instinctively absorb large amounts of the sugar-rich liquid, far more than they can actually digest, and swell to much larger than normal sizes.  In this state their stretched outer membrane become slightly transparent and the jelly becomes virtually immobile.  They are left in this state for several months as the grape juice ferments into wine inside of them.  While this has the somewhat comical side effect of leaving them intoxicated for a period of several months, it also produces a 'pure' flavor of wine, lacking the additional tastes that come from fermenting inside wooden barrels.  The wine is harvested simply by puncturing the jelly (which is relatively unharmed by the entire process).

Wine jellies are technically edible once cooked, tasting just slightly sweet, but are mostly just gooey.  They are commonly used as thickener in soups or sauces,  filler in some animal feed, or as fishing bait.


holy shit, fenoxo is awesome

seriously, he's like the colbert bump of fetish porn games.  i've gotten about as many hits in the past two days as i have in the rest of the blog's existence.  anyway, bug reports.  i've gotten a lot more since people have actually started looking at the game, so here's a quick guide on what i need to fix a bug:

1. what button you push
2. what stops working
3. what is currently going on in game when it stopped working (where you are, who/what you're talking to/looking at, what/if you typed anything, etc)

i'm not entirely sure the world is fully functional yet, so exploring in some locations (if they haven't been properly loaded with events) might cause a crash.  i'm currently busy writing a scene for peeping on the elf at the mouth of rygal river (she's in the 4.2 build, albeit nonfunctional), going through masturbation, getting caught, and being forcefully jerked off at sword point by the sexy elf lady...  although that last bit is dependent on a few other things at the moment, some of which won't be attainable without manually editing your player's save file until i add items that actually change your stats.

i have tomorrow off, so hopefully she'll be finished by tomorrow, and i can make sure that everything works for a release either at the end of the day, or on sunday.

also, judging from the poll so far, the big draws for people are:
-mythic creatures
-inhuman creatures (tentacles)
-light bondage

seems people are looking for a sort of 'monster girl' theme, or possibly 'monster girl-on-girl'.  i think i could live with that.  of course, there's going to be a bit of everything added eventually (i've said before that it's a fetish that does nothing for me so i don't know how well i could depict it, but for the sake of inclusiveness  i would like to include some vore, macro/micro, and possibly bimbofication), but i have an idea of what to put in first.


still alive

although, this has not exactly been a triumph.

the elf is probably 2/3 done, combat works, so i should finally get the release out either sometime this weekend, or possibly earlier if i get an easy day at work that leaves me in functioning condition at the end of the day.