
still alive

although, this has not exactly been a triumph.

the elf is probably 2/3 done, combat works, so i should finally get the release out either sometime this weekend, or possibly earlier if i get an easy day at work that leaves me in functioning condition at the end of the day.


  1. >Fenoxo brings up this game
    >Game changes into another furry game

    It's okay, I didn't want to enjoy video games anyway.

    1. that's why the content is optional: so people who don't like it can turn it off. if you aren't into furries, turn them off, and all of the anthropomorphic races (save a handful of things like werewolves, which have solid backing in old european mythology) will disappear entirely. the 'animal' and 'mythic creature' tags work a little differently (they will still be encountered, just not sexualized).

  2. Made me sad not so see crossdressing or something like that in the fetishsection :/

    1. crossdressing and traps aren't something that i see as objectionable enough to force out of the game entirely. if - for example - abuaruza has to decide between getting yiffed by foxes or not playing the game, he won't play the game. i haven't seen quite the same reaction to femmeboys or crossdressing, although if there's demand, if could add an option to disable it.

  3. This is certainly a hidden gem. A little buggy with the navigation and explore options (and probably others as well). Just mapped the area out and there are 43 areas - many of which have descriptions at least. While it does need at lot of work, it is surprisingly well put together so far with only one guy working on it.

    I sometimes run role playing games (DnD, Pathfinder, etc) and the amount of detail that you need to put into encounters and into the world can be taxing - especially if you do so very often. The trouble is not the story teller's ability to tell a story but rather its the motivation to constantly put forth your best.

    That being said, here is my virtual high five to ya for your work so far and my virtual pat on the back and good luck for your continued work.

  4. Well, this certainly has a lot of potential to it! Though I am currently running into a little problem where the game's buttons stop working after a while... =\ Makes it kinda hard to explore what's there already. Still! Can't wait to see more of this implemented! =3

    1. what are you doing, and which buttons stop working? if you can help me identify where the bug is, i can fix it.

    2. Same problem, wish I could be of more help, but the only thing I can offer up is if I hit explore too many times in a row, or nav for that matter, it just stops responding (location doesnt seem to matter). button clicks still "click" and I can still enter stuff in the text field, but it just doesn't respond otherwise. Is there a particular comparability mode you recommend? admin privileges? currently running in XP SP3 compatibility with admin. Lastly, in East Rygal Forest, I get no message when exploring, but a numbered entry continues an apparently invisible convo (You tell the canid that you're looking for Knell), and then the convo proceeds as normal.

      Looks great otherwise! Nice work!

    3. I addition, the save/load function doesn't work. I can nav, bu there's no place to go to. I can access the accurate stats, but if Itry to explore it locks the buttons, and they don't do anything. SO far only known way around bug has been to exit game, so I have to create a new character every time I want to play.

    4. All I'm doing, as the others have said, is Exploring and Navigating. I've been through it twice and I'm pretty sure it was in two different locations. I'll test it a bit more thoroughly a little later, if you'd like, but this seems like it'll be a heck of a thing to track down...

      My initial thoughts are that it might be a problem with a "time"-based event. Like a stat change, or perhaps nightfall. I'm not sure if either one of these are implemented yet, so I can't say for certain.

  5. Yeah I've had same issue, i hit explore 3 times in a row and EVERYTHING stops responding....
