

working on a content update, for a change of pace before working on the combat system. added 30-odd locations, bringing the count up to 44, and made sure each location had one combat and one noncombat encounter (though most have 3 and a few have more).  i'll probably get 0.3.1 released by the end of the week, and since it's coming up so often, i'll probably introduce persistent world date - things like the game recognizing whether or not you've met a certain person before - after that.


version 0.3.0 release

frogue version 0.3.0

-added the ability to explore locations, which triggers random events for that location
-added a unique event for each existing location
-changed how weight is calculated to be more realistic
-reduced starting ass width
-added a few things behind the scenes (like pink hair)

need to figure out a good way to store simple boolean flags used for world events, things like whether you've met a certain character (like the troll in the swamp) or if you're familiar with a particular pitfall (again, like in the swamp).  will probably do it the same way i'm storing player data currently (it's storing around a few hundred data points right now, but it can handle around 17,000, so i have plenty of breathing room), but having something more elegant would be nice.

i'm also now taking ideas for encounters.  full text, partial text, combat or non, sexual or serious, simple or complicated.  if it's something that doesn't fit into an existing location in the game, that's fine too, because i can also use more ideas for locations.

will probably release a 0.3.1 version some time later this week with more content.  0.4.0 is going to be combat - cities could be implemented with the current version to be perfectly honest, but without combat there are no items, and with no items there is no reason to visit towns.  after combat, inventory, and towns are all in, i'm probably going to start keeping track of time.

short term 'to do' list:
-combat interface
-expand locations & encounters
-start tracking hair style in addition to color and length
-start tracking virginity (i seriously forgot that, wat the hell)

long term 'to do' list:
-greatly expand locations & encounters
-introduce time
-track the number of grains of sand on the game's beaches


version 0.3.0 progress + change of plans

so as i've been doing the coding for the 0.3.0 release (which was originally intended to be the combat system), it's getting more and more apparent that i need to get the dialogue system up first.  basically it breaks down like this:
1. player hits the 'explore' button
2. the game checks to see what types of encounters can occur at the player's current location (represented by numbers) and picks one of them
3. the game passes this number (and a few other bits of data, like the terrain of the location it occurred in) into a function that looks at the 'event number' passed to it and then behaves accordingly.

obviously, it's easy to just output a bunch of text, with a bunch of player input options (eg: type '1' to be raped by dickwolves, press '2' to also be raped by dickwolves, or press '3' to cancel and be raped by dickwolves anyway).  basically...  that's the dialogue system.

so, since the dialogue can go in before combat is in place but the combat can't go in before dialogue is in place, 0.3.0 will now be the dialogue update, and 0.4.0 will be the combat update.

the basic system is in place right now.  i'm busy working on a bunch of relatively simple, boring placeholder events ("you wander around the forest.  you find a large mushroom.  you would pick it up, but you have no inventory yet.") for the time being, so i'll have to apologize for the distinct lack of sex.  i want to get the engine in place before i start expanding on the actual content of the game.

still, just a bit more work and then some bug testing and a new release should be ready.


version 0.2.0 release

frogue version 0.2.0

added the ability to move about the world, examine your surroundings. only 10 locations so far.  if i get a few interested people asking, i'll release a short guide on how to create a world for frogue.  you know, if someone wants to recreate the legend of zelda map, or something.

 going to be working on the combat system next, followed by inventory, then dialogue (which should be another fairly fast one, at least structurally).

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location code is in, but not yet active in game.  made 10 locations to serve as an example map; above is the result of 9000 hours in mspaint.

(from the code)
"The Imperial City of Doren is a large walled city filled with elegant marble columns, sweeping parkways, and elegant arches...  although the massive amounts of horse dung produced by the inhabitants make the outside of the city somewhat less enchanting."
(population: mostly imperial, few highborn, few leonid)

"The Plains of Doren is a large, flat expanse filled with fertile soil between the Rygal Forest and the Imperial City Doren.  It is dotted with farms, as well as a few other small buildings along the road running from the forest to the city.  To the [NORTH] is the southern edge of Rygal Forest."
(population: scattered humans, plainsdwellers, orckin, giantkin, imperials, and lepin)

"The Doren river basin is the low point of the Rygal river, in an area that would be a lake if it were not so flat.  Instead, the water flows out evenly before reforming at the south end of the basin, creating a large, temperate swampland."
(population: goblins, ratkin, scattered trolls and humans)

so, where do we go from here?  i'd like some mountains north of the forest with a desert north of that, maybe a second (small) forest east of the river, and some savanna and maybe a bit of tropics to the south, before it ends in coastline.  does anyone have something they'd particularly like to see pop up?


questions/responses from the 0.1.0 thread on /d/

>How difficult would it be to replace specific locations with an option to just explore in a direction and then stumble upon a randomly generated cave, farm, forest, lake, castle, ruin, etc.?
>I always thought it was a bit silly that there was only one cave or one farm in the entire world. CoC does it a bit better by using biomes.

random generation is possible, but it would take a lot of time to do, and it would require me to build another huge system to save and load the world. for now i'm going to use a set world, and just load a few specific values (i want the player to be able to move their base camp, for instance).
as further clarification, i do plan on locations being specific places; multiple forests at the very least.

>As for the critters, I`d sugest slimes, scyllas, mermaids and harpys. Also, I feel there should be an option for number of legs or arms.

i might consider adding multiple functional arms. right now heigan can get some extra non-functional spider legs sprouting from their back, but those are treated as wings.
also, slimes are a potential player race. not sure what you mean when you say 'scylla'. mermaids and harpies are definitely on my 'to do' list, but probably won't be players.

>Is there still inflation/wg? :(

possibly? air inflation no (it makes no logical sense, so it doesn't fit the setting), wg, i suppose i could put in some sort of feast hall somewhere where you can just gorge yourself. magical wg/inflation is... potentially possible? i don't really understand the fetish so i don't feel confident i could write it arousingly.

What coding language is this?


>I saw a lot of feminization threads here lately, can I make my own crossdressing little femboy in it?
the goal is yes.
>Unless you're planning on making your game so, do not, for the love of god, add romantic elements. CoC has introduced such things and they really stand out from the rest of the game.
>I feel like such things have no place in a game like this; they belong to a damn dating sim.
>That said, this might be cool. Character description window looks a little messy now though.

i don't necessarily mean sappy love stories. i mean consistent relationships. i have at least one idea sketched out for a nun that gets turned into a cum slut, for example. it is by no means a romance, but it is a consistent relationship that grows overtime.
and yes, the window is messy.  but it works, so i'll get concerned with making it fancy when i transfer everything into a gui.

version 0.1.0

frogue version 0.1.0

 -fixed errors regarding loading body parts which are not present (horn, tail, genitals, etc)
 -fixed error loading tails ('if' instead of 'else if' caused error message to display in most circumstances)
 -changed how gold is loaded so it doesn't give errors anymore
 -fixed a crash when attempting to load a save slot that has no save
 -fixed an infinite loop that occurs when generating an entity with multiple possible eye types or sclera colors
 -fixed random gaping vaginas appearing where they have no business appearing
 -fixed massive weight gain when loading characters (sorry inflation fetishists)
 -fixed health loading improperly
  +characters *should* save and load without any errors now...  although characters saved with an older version of frogue will still have a few errors.

generated a elf maid with emerald eyes, bronze skin, silver hair, and an 8" cock to test the new save/load system.  got errors for horns, fur, wings, and tail values (not unexpected, since the game wouldn't have set them since she doesn't have any), but she also has a negative clit length (?).  The last bit was easy to fix (changed a <= 1 to a >= 1), and in spite of the error messages when loading, the character displayed fine.

generated a gay minotaur next to check and see if horns, fur, and tails still threw errors when the entity to be saved did have them.  this time horn and fur saved fine, but wings and tail still threw errors.  checked the tail since it seemed funny, realized i had an 'if' instead of 'else if' and it was causing the error message to pop up even when it worked perfectly.  checked the character page after, and it did indeed load the right tail.  although, the character also weighed around 2700 lbs, had a 1" deep, 223,000 foot wide vagina and 4.5 million health/gold, so that was an issue.

either case, managed to fix all of that, and things now work as they should, which puts the game at version 0.1.0 : save/load system functioning properly.  time to start working on locations.

what sorts or locales, terrain, and environs do you think should show up?  what races should appear where?  what sorts of wild creatures roam the lands?  post your thoughts below.


(minor) update

version 0.0.3f

-anthropomorphic legs renamed digitigrade legs
-beards and mustaches enabled.  dwarves rejoice, for no longer shall ye be forced to bear the shame of a shorn face!
-figured out how to load things without crashing, so turned the ability to load game settings manually back on
-character saving and loading work, in theory.  it no longer crashes the game, but i did end up with a bunch of errors and a strength of 2.6 million.

admittedly, mostly played binding of isaac tonight.

version 0.1.0, the first major milestone, is when saving and loading characters works properly.  need to fix a few values not saving and loading properly, and put in a check to make sure it doesn't try opening a file that isn't there.

mission statement

first and foremost, this is a game.  it is meant to be entertaining in a general sense first, and arousing second.  when the game is finished, it will, in fact, be possible to finish in its entirety without any real romantic or sexual acts.

second, this game is meant to be arousing.  on its own, it can't fulfill any sort of physical sense of need, but it can fulfill mental needs.  arousal is about much more than having compatible bits of the proper size.  it is about emotion, familiarity, expectations, actions, beliefs, body language, the tone of someone's voice, and a hundred other sappy, stupid things that combine into an emotion that is impossible to describe in terms other than itself: love.  other games of this vein are fine for what they are, but the larger overall goal with this one is to present an emphasis on emotional fulfillment by allowing players to nurture relationships with individual, named characters, rather than countless one night stands with legions of unnamed minotaurs and succubi.

and, ripped straight from the source code for those interested, here's a quick rundown of the near future of the game:

//future versions:
//  - main interface complete.  characters can be created, saved, and loaded.
//  - movement interface complete.  character can visit different locations with
//    placeholder encounters.
//  - combat interface completed.  character can encounter and combat other
//    entities.
//  - dialogue interface completed.  character can encounter and speak with
//    other entities.
//  - city interface completed.  character can visit cities at various locations
//    to buy and sell gear.


first page

kicking off the project.  the current version of the program is still pretty buggy, but should (at least) allow character generation.

version 0.0.3e:

+no longer enters infinite loop while generating hair color
+horn, tail, etc. types now generate properly for all races
+reduced ass depth across the board for anything with a skeleton.  should be a bit more reasonable now.

known issues:
-saving characters does not function properly
-loading characters crashes the game
-loading options temporarily disables (though the game still autoloads when it starts up)
-centaur and naga disabled until i work out how to get leg types to work
 included is a custom settings.txt, which should enable (most) races.