
version 0.1.0

frogue version 0.1.0

 -fixed errors regarding loading body parts which are not present (horn, tail, genitals, etc)
 -fixed error loading tails ('if' instead of 'else if' caused error message to display in most circumstances)
 -changed how gold is loaded so it doesn't give errors anymore
 -fixed a crash when attempting to load a save slot that has no save
 -fixed an infinite loop that occurs when generating an entity with multiple possible eye types or sclera colors
 -fixed random gaping vaginas appearing where they have no business appearing
 -fixed massive weight gain when loading characters (sorry inflation fetishists)
 -fixed health loading improperly
  +characters *should* save and load without any errors now...  although characters saved with an older version of frogue will still have a few errors.

generated a elf maid with emerald eyes, bronze skin, silver hair, and an 8" cock to test the new save/load system.  got errors for horns, fur, wings, and tail values (not unexpected, since the game wouldn't have set them since she doesn't have any), but she also has a negative clit length (?).  The last bit was easy to fix (changed a <= 1 to a >= 1), and in spite of the error messages when loading, the character displayed fine.

generated a gay minotaur next to check and see if horns, fur, and tails still threw errors when the entity to be saved did have them.  this time horn and fur saved fine, but wings and tail still threw errors.  checked the tail since it seemed funny, realized i had an 'if' instead of 'else if' and it was causing the error message to pop up even when it worked perfectly.  checked the character page after, and it did indeed load the right tail.  although, the character also weighed around 2700 lbs, had a 1" deep, 223,000 foot wide vagina and 4.5 million health/gold, so that was an issue.

either case, managed to fix all of that, and things now work as they should, which puts the game at version 0.1.0 : save/load system functioning properly.  time to start working on locations.

what sorts or locales, terrain, and environs do you think should show up?  what races should appear where?  what sorts of wild creatures roam the lands?  post your thoughts below.


  1. I think the setting needs to be determined. Is this going to be a post-apocalypse, modern, fantasy, something "off-the-wall, etc. Because that will have a bearing on what locations and creatures should be implemented.

  2. it's a moderate magic fantasy setting. lots of semi-supernatural as far as race and species diversity, not a whole lot of outright magic. i'm trying to be a tad more realistic than corruption of champions or nimin is.

  3. I offered my help for a little code polishing in one of your threads. If you still are interested, tell me how I'm supposed to contact you for the source.

  4. Hi. I can code you a mouse-driven UI interface that functions on all platforms, and make it look and act any way you like. I'm a programmer. I'd like an opportunity to do this, since I lost motivation for my own project, The Tidehaven Project. Leave me a message if you're interested. Thanks.

  5. notagodcomplex> do you have a version of tidehaven that's functional enough that it can boot up without crashing so i can see how your gui looks?

    krakenlolisarethebest> assuming you're @an-gott-glaub-ich.net, i sent you the source just now.

    1. Yes I posted the link in your newer post... If that makes sense. Otherwise, try: https://rapidshare.com/files/122951934/Tidehaven.exe

    2. i had a look and it seems fine so far. give me your email (or send an email to ultimatedeathgod@yahoo.com with 'frogue' in the subject) and we can start coordinating how this is going to work.

  6. I can't wait until the 1.0.0 version of the game.
    Your game seems to announce lots of fun !
    Well, i made fantasy world map when i have time. I you want a map of your world, feel free to ask !
    Good luck !

  7. 1.0.0 is still a fair ways off in my estimation... if i had to guess, it would be at least - at the very least - six months.
