
version 0.3.0 progress + change of plans

so as i've been doing the coding for the 0.3.0 release (which was originally intended to be the combat system), it's getting more and more apparent that i need to get the dialogue system up first.  basically it breaks down like this:
1. player hits the 'explore' button
2. the game checks to see what types of encounters can occur at the player's current location (represented by numbers) and picks one of them
3. the game passes this number (and a few other bits of data, like the terrain of the location it occurred in) into a function that looks at the 'event number' passed to it and then behaves accordingly.

obviously, it's easy to just output a bunch of text, with a bunch of player input options (eg: type '1' to be raped by dickwolves, press '2' to also be raped by dickwolves, or press '3' to cancel and be raped by dickwolves anyway).  basically...  that's the dialogue system.

so, since the dialogue can go in before combat is in place but the combat can't go in before dialogue is in place, 0.3.0 will now be the dialogue update, and 0.4.0 will be the combat update.

the basic system is in place right now.  i'm busy working on a bunch of relatively simple, boring placeholder events ("you wander around the forest.  you find a large mushroom.  you would pick it up, but you have no inventory yet.") for the time being, so i'll have to apologize for the distinct lack of sex.  i want to get the engine in place before i start expanding on the actual content of the game.

still, just a bit more work and then some bug testing and a new release should be ready.

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