
mission statement

first and foremost, this is a game.  it is meant to be entertaining in a general sense first, and arousing second.  when the game is finished, it will, in fact, be possible to finish in its entirety without any real romantic or sexual acts.

second, this game is meant to be arousing.  on its own, it can't fulfill any sort of physical sense of need, but it can fulfill mental needs.  arousal is about much more than having compatible bits of the proper size.  it is about emotion, familiarity, expectations, actions, beliefs, body language, the tone of someone's voice, and a hundred other sappy, stupid things that combine into an emotion that is impossible to describe in terms other than itself: love.  other games of this vein are fine for what they are, but the larger overall goal with this one is to present an emphasis on emotional fulfillment by allowing players to nurture relationships with individual, named characters, rather than countless one night stands with legions of unnamed minotaurs and succubi.

and, ripped straight from the source code for those interested, here's a quick rundown of the near future of the game:

//future versions:
//  - main interface complete.  characters can be created, saved, and loaded.
//  - movement interface complete.  character can visit different locations with
//    placeholder encounters.
//  - combat interface completed.  character can encounter and combat other
//    entities.
//  - dialogue interface completed.  character can encounter and speak with
//    other entities.
//  - city interface completed.  character can visit cities at various locations
//    to buy and sell gear.


  1. "rather than countless one night stands with legions of unnamed minotaurs and succubi."

    Time to introduce a named minotaur!

  2. his name shall be percivale, or 'percy' for short. he shall be a true gentleminotaur, with a monocle, bow tie, top hat, and little wax guard at the tip of each horn so he doesn't accidentally tab anything.
