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kicking off the project.  the current version of the program is still pretty buggy, but should (at least) allow character generation.

version 0.0.3e:

+no longer enters infinite loop while generating hair color
+horn, tail, etc. types now generate properly for all races
+reduced ass depth across the board for anything with a skeleton.  should be a bit more reasonable now.

known issues:
-saving characters does not function properly
-loading characters crashes the game
-loading options temporarily disables (though the game still autoloads when it starts up)
-centaur and naga disabled until i work out how to get leg types to work
 included is a custom settings.txt, which should enable (most) races.



    Let me jump in here and throw out some sage (or fucking worthless) advice!

    -From your approach and what I've seen so far, I worry the game's scale is going to be your greatest challenge. With that many attributes, having them actually mean something is going to be a challenge. Hell, I'm already hitting that problem with some things like the long tongue from naga TF. I worry with all that the sex-scenes might be short/unsatisfying, but its too early to call there.

    -Lots of potential in your combat system. I hope it works out well!

    -Don't afraid to cut features. I'd rather see a game with 1/4 of the features you rattled off than no game at all because you had to give up on it.

    -Why not flash? It's quite easy to slap together a GUI with it and has the benefit of being able to be played on any platform without having to save the file first. Or java I guess...

  2. (was supposed to say WHARS...I missed my R key and hit T...)

  3. Anthropomorphic legs doesn't seem right (pretty sure anthropomorphic means having animal characteristics, which is very vague). Digitigrade or something might be better? Just reporting stuff as I find it.

  4. <_< slime girl is still half finished... i just got burnt out writing synonyms for 'you insert tab A into slot B' after a while.

    i'm avoiding flash because i want to learn how to program c++. no other real reason.

    as far as feet, yeah, digitigrade sounds right now that i've looked up what it means.
