
Codex: Knell (city)

Location: Continent of Aven, eastern Rygal Forest

(anthro enabled) 79% Forester, 5% Ratkin, 4% Faekin, 4% Lepin, 3% Human, 3% other, 2% centaur
(anthro disabled) 80% human, 7% goblin, 5% orc, 4% faekin, 2% centaur, 2% other

Knell has a unified military and legal system, with the few full-time military personnel acting as sheriffs when the city is not at war.  Although this leaves the city vulnerable at first glance, a number of factors make it more than capable, at least defensively.  The large population of hunters and woodsmen in the area can turn into irregulars capable of carrying out ambushes and laying traps overnight, turning any attempted occupation into a grueling campaign against guerrillas.  The city itself holds regular archery tournaments and open archery training camps for it's citizens, enabling them to easily be formed into a defensive force to man the town's walls.  Beyond this, there are a number of independent militias, extremists who will occasionally clash with one another for one reason or another, but work together without hesitation to defend Knell from outsiders.

The rulership of Knell is both very simple and obtuse.  In the strictest sense there is a single absolutist leader that manages the city and the buildings within it, collects taxes, organizes the military guard, and establishes law (most of which is concerned with theft of property, assault, and murder; there are no explicit economic, religious, or social laws to speak of).  This is a hereditary position called Margave, passed from parent to eldest child (barring explicit instructions otherwise).  The Margave serves as the absolute arbiter of disputes and keeper of peace, although in practice the day-to-day goings on in Knell is managed by various councils of the elder (50 and older) members of the city.  It is rare, but not unheard of, for non-Foresters to be invited into these councils, which while lacking in any real authority, are respected enough for their expertise that those who go too often or too far from their advice will find living in Knell much more difficult, with inns suddenly running out of space or shops mysteriously being out of stock.  These councils form to handle issues regarding everything from sanitation practices to the regulations regarding sale of imported alcohols, and can range from just a few individuals to dozens, depending on how many people's cooperation is needed to get a task done.

The almost absolute lack of legal code regarding commercial exchange would make Knell an trader's haven, although the near anarchy that tends to break out from time to time (even in spite of the best efforts of the military guard) make the Trigare Commons, just to the south, a more popular stop for the more legitimate traders who don't need to worry about regulation so much.  The unusual paradox of this is that it is possible to find almost anything in Knell except the things you would need on a day-to-day basis.  All other governments recognize transactions in Knell as valid, however, making it a popular stop for those with less savory merchandise, such as certain alchemical supplies and weapons.  Dwarven weapons and armor of a higher quality than Ironwall technically allows for exports infrequently show up in Knell, although the rogue traders who sell them rarely show up in person for fear of being identified and ostracized by their kin.

Gambling, prostitution, and slavery are all fairly commonplace in Knell, although confined to specific areas for one reason or another.  Imperial slavers are common here, as it is one of the few other places on Aven where the laws regarding it aren't buried under mountains of laws that limit the duration of servitude.  Gambling is surprisingly well-organized, in large part due to the fact that the frank anarchy of the city means that organizers have to maintain a reasonable degree of fairness or risk running afoul of one of Knell's many citizen militias.  Prostitution is easily the most widespread and respected of the three, being generally regarded and treated as a legitimate profession by the populace at large, although a number of self-imported religious groups have also integrated themselves into the city to try and curb it's influence.  These are generally regarded as being in poor taste but, unless they get too aggressive with their message, they are not harassed.  Smuggling, technically speaking, is nonexistent in Knell because there are no import or export laws to break, which has made the city a haven for those transporting goods to or from other locations.

Persons of note:
Margave Faedr - The standing Margave, a 60-something Forester thought to be in his last few years of life.  The two most likely heirs, his eldest son Laush (aged 43) and a granddaughter named Rhynd (aged 19).
Laush - The eldest child of Margave Faedr, Laush has established himself as a very capable member of the military guard, and has long been the go-to on matters of import when Faedr is unavailable.  He bears no grudge towards Rhynd for her sudden rise to prominence, recognizing that even if she does become the de-facto leader of the city, she would likely turn to him to keep the military guard running smoothly.
Rhynd - Granddaughter of Margave Faedr and (by that) a niece to Laush, Rhynd spent the majority of her youth traveling with caravans, as there were no jobs within the city that her already rather large family needed her for.  As a result she has gained, what is for a Forester, a surprising understanding of the politics on Aven as a whole, as well as forming several political and business relationships outside of Knell.  This makes her a bit of a rarity among Foresters, and while many Foresters dislike the idea of increased interaction with the outside world, Margave Faedr sees the potential benefit that having a more diplomatic leader could have on the city.
Silas Barius - An Imperial citizen, Silas is the assumed name of the primary organizer of the Imperial hand of slavery in Knell.  While close to fifty years old, he is still in robust condition, and is supposedly a former slave himself.  While the truth of this is unknown, it is certain that he is intimately familiar with the business.  He serves as the unofficial face of the slave trade in Knell, and is one of those few outsiders who are routinely brought into the relevant councils.  He is much calmer and more collected than many Imperials, with a tendency to hold his tongue when words aren't necessary.

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