
frogue 0.4.1


-the text window should scroll properly when new text is output now
-fixed a bug that was causing entities with multiple possible sclera colors to have invalid sclera colors
-fixed a bug that was causing erratic behavior during character creation for entities without hai
-race/gender/sexual orientation should now accept text input (eg "human" "orc" "dwarf") in addition to numeric input (eg "1" "2" "6")
-added popups when the player gives invalid input to clarify what type of input the game wants
-attempted (?) to clarify the first few lines of text that pop up when you try to make a new character to make it clearer where the text entry bar is

location still doesn't function.  i'm going to have to redo how i had the dialogue system set up before - instead of just passing the game a function that contains the event in it's entirety (dialogue and all), it has to be done a single element at a time: each individual branch and leaf in a dialogue tree needs to be its own individual event.

basically, i need to recode the way that the game handles locations, which will slow down the actual release...  so, this is just a few bug fixes.  it shouldn't work beyond character creation.


  1. I have a bit of a problem with how the game displays things for me. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and after providing a name and confirming it, the following race selection menu only displays Haigen, Lepin, and Ratkin, but I can still select other races by either number or name.

    Then, after the character creation is finished and the game displays your various attributes, they're not in neat lines like in your earlier screenshot. The font is also different.

    I'm not sure if you have this planned or not, but is it possible to bind ENTER to the text input line so one wouldn't have to click the Enter-button?

    1. i'm also using win7 64 bit, so i don't know what the problem is there. i've double and triple checked the code, and don't see any errors with it. i'm going to try and condense all of that text output to a single line (instead of the group of many smaller commands it was before) for the next release, hopefully that will work.

      and yeah, i do want to have enter bound so that it works the same as the 'send' button, but i'm having trouble getting it to work properly. i haven't been able to find a tutorial that actually shows how to do this, and my guesswork hasn't been very successful. to be honest, since it's something that can be worked around, it's a bit low priority atm.

    2. Would changing the OS and/or keyboard language affect it? I'm using Finnish right now. I did some testing by changing the language to EN (US)but it didn't change anything.

      Maybe I'm missing the font family?

    3. Or maybe it's the unicode settings?

    4. all of the output uses the exact same formatting, so i don't know why you would get some of the text, but not the rest of it. use the 'print screen' button to take a screenshot of the game while it's running, save it in ms paint (or something), and either post it somewhere and put a link here, or email it to ultimatedeathgod@yahoo

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. The second link wouldn't work...
      Oddly enough, gender selection and sexual orientation screens display just fine.


      And here's the character stats display:

  2. Now I can see where I am suppose to enter text, thank you.
