
off topic work

spent some time tonight organizing how pregnancy is going to end up work (the one last major thing that i've forgotten).  as far as time, it will literally take 9 months (in-game) for a human to have a child, and i do want things to impact the pregnancy (eg, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with ogres is inadvisable during your third trimester).  the other side of this is that i want there to be plenty of non-combat activities available in the cities, from meeting people to managing properties (whether that's a shop or an inn), but for now, that's all in the far future.  basically, i just put all of the relevant numbers and info into the game.

some races (like coastdwellers) will lay eggs.  unlike live births, which are divided into the first/second/third trimester, eggs are handled with the first 'trimester' being conception to the formation of the egg, formation to they laying of the egg, and laying to the hatching of the egg.  generally, the first two steps take a relatively short period of time, while the hatching takes noticeably longer.  also, most humanoid egg-laying races will only lay one or two larger eggs, rather than lots of really small ones.

there are also two races - the haigen and kraken - that lay 'clutches', large amounts (40+) of very small eggs.  these are measured from conception -> laying, laying -> hatching, and hatching -> maturity.  since these eggs are smaller there's an extra step in between the 'birth' of leaving the egg and reaching an identifiable member of the species.  in addition, the second and third stages see relatively high mortality rates - not all eggs hatch, and not all hatched spawn live to become juveniles.

slimes are the only race that leave 'buds'.  these are a bit like eggs, but also have a chance to survive even if ruptured early.  the basic reasoning is that slime reproduction involves them pulling off a bit of their own material, a part that doesn't hold memory or consciousness, and letting it rest in an egg until it 'heals' itself back into a full (if small) body.  this has to be done separate from the slime because if the tissue tells it's still attached to brain matter, it won't generate more brain matter (to avoid things like having a slime with multiple consciousnesses in it).

 also spent some time testing the main interface in preparation for the 4.2 release.  the code for saving/loading characters and game settings is ported over, so it just needs to be linked up and it's ready.  locations are functioning, they need to be linked up, and the directions info (stuff that tells the game which directions you can go from an area) needs to be linked into the menu and that will be ready.  after that, 4.2 should be complete.

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