
Codex: Orc

In-game description: Close cousins of the Humans, Orcs differ primarily by philosophy.  They are more reluctant to integrate societies and more certain of their superiority as a species.  Though numerous, they are split into many warring tribes - fortunate, since their long natural lifespans and tendency toward multiple births would otherwise see them overwhelming the other nations purely by weight of numbers.

Average height: 6'3"(190 cm)
Average weight: ~200 lbs (~91 kg)

Notable traits:  Red eyes are common among Orcs, and occur with about the same (if not higher) frequency than other eye colors.  Rarely, the whites of their eyes will take a purple tint.  They tend to have superior vision in the dark, and as a result, some races find Orcish buildings poorly lit.  Common hair colors are blacks and browns, with darker greens also occurring frequently.  Red hair is not unheard of, and natural white hair exists, but is exceptionally rare.  Skin tones tend to be darker than human, generally ranging from light tan to rich brown, though whiter skin, as is common among humans, is not unheard of.  Albinism is almost unheard of among Orcs, and attitudes towards albinos vary from reverence to fear.

Physical traits: Orcs tend to have upper bodies that are bulkier than human, but not necessarily stronger.  Orc women have a greater tendency towards inverted nipples and slightly smaller breasts, while Orc men tend to have slightly longer (but narrower) cocks.  Most Orcs are capable of living exceptionally long lives, upwards of 200 years, but frequent violence tends to keep the actual life expectancy under 60.

Orcs tend to prefer strict, rigid societal structures, preferring the simplicity of more authoritarian with a single ruler or a small set of rulers.  This preference is generally keeps Orc societies small, although in rare cases, an exceptionally strong or charismatic leader will gather larger groups of Orcs into a single group.  Orcish law and social mores tend to vary greatly, as they are a reflection of whichever individual leads the tribe.  As a result of this, it is difficult to make many broad, sweeping comments Orcish society.  Orcs are proud and warlike, but unlike the similarly minded Imperials, they hold little sense of general racial superiority, instead supplanted by familial or personal superiority

Orc culture centers around violence.  Children are taught to fight from as soon as they can walk.  Instead of art or music, knife-fighting is a more common pass time, with 'show fights' (generally to the first blood) being a common form of entertainment.  As a result, around half of all Orcs, male and female, will have at least three or four scars on their hands and arms before they're fifteen, with some veteran fighters accumulating dozens or even hundreds over their lives.  A notable side effect of this is that Orcs are famed for their medical skills, particularly in the fields of pathology, pharmacology, orthopedics, and surgery.  Their methods are surprisingly sophisticated when compared to other parts of their society.  A common expression is that Dwarves treat metallurgy the same way Orcs treat medicine, although whether this reflects an exceptional care on part of Dwarves or a dispassionate pragmatism on the part of Orcs is debatable.


  1. Oh sweet, you added centimeters and kilograms! Way easier to visualise things now.

    1. if you go into the options menu, you should be able to set the game to metric display.

    2. Really? Fucking brilliant!

      I also like the codex entries I've seen. You're a good writer, mang! I wonder though, considering the theme of the game, that perhaps they need an extra entry about their sexual characteristics - similar to the mention about orc penis size, but extended?

      I wouldn't make it a high priority thing though.

    3. well, i mention the larger details. i'm assuming that whoever is compiling this fictional codex isn't going around with a ruler and asking 40-50 people if he can see how wide he can stretch their asshole just so he knows the average ass width of a given race. i'm only going to be mentioning major details, like how plainsdwellers have an udder rather than human-type breasts.

  2. You have some very compelling ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
