
frogue 0.4.2b


-fixed a few issues with the game menu being incomplete, and getting stuck in endless loops


  1. The button locking is gone and I can view my character's info. However, now that I can, I notice that they're still not neatly lined for me. To be specific, for a Roamer character, fur length, fingers, nipple quantity, and waist diameter deviate from the right side list. The left side displays just fine.

    In other news, the options for inch / cm works just fine. I noticed that if I selected an option to change and clicked the enter button several times, it would display a new pop up window each time. It might be a good idea to prevent the program from opening new pop up windows of the same type if one is already open.

    Looking good so far.

  2. Replies
    1. press the button that says 'new' on the lower right.

  3. I was looking through the player save in notepad and editing to see what changes and when I change AFO&(number)AFO it changes both endurance and will, so I assume that they share the same variable or what ever you call it. I could be mistaken though as I don't know much about this.

    1. are you sure? i went through the code that handles loading from save files and it all looks like it's working correctly. make sure that the tag in front of the number is 'AFO&' and the tag at the end is 'AFO$'and try again; if one of the end tag doesn't have the $ with it, it might be causing the parser to read it incorrectly.

    2. I think for me it's something wrong with AFP as when I change that one it has no effect on the stats. So to test I had AFM (strength) at 15 then AFN at 16 (agility) and going up to AFS at 21 (looks), but one the game screen it went:
      Strength 15
      Agility 16
      Endurance 17
      Will 17
      Intelligence 19
      Charm 20
      Looks 21

      The same happens for level and experience as AFT should be just level but it is both level and experience, then AFU does not do anything then the next one is the code for gold. So it would seem that the problem lies in both AFP and AFU. I have made multiple characters to test it on, and downloaded the game again to see if it was a corrupt download but it is still happens.

      I hope that this makes sense as I suck at explaining things.

    3. i managed to track down the problem. will was operating properly, but the game was displaying the information for endurance in the blank for will. got it fixed for the next release. thanks!
