
slowly, but surely

still trying to figure out exactly how to get the game to do what i want it to do.  one big task tonight was to go through all of the functions in the entity class (characters, basically) and make sure all of the functions that report error messages when they get passed an invalid value report it to the system messages panel.  also, replacing several hundred instances of commands that output text to the console so they could display to the game panel.  not terribly difficult work, but there's a lot of it, and it needs to be done.

now that i'm getting around to it, though, i'm really glad that i'm getting to this early in the development.  it's basically going through all of the code i've written up to now and rewriting it all slightly.

also, there's a poll up right now about which race gets the next codex entry.  golems are leading so far, with trollkin not far behind.  nobody cares about the ambulatory iguanas, it seems.

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